Rescuing the Spectacled Bear

Fry, Stephen

Both wildly funny and moving -- a journal of Stephen Fry’s bid to rescue Peru’s endangered spectacled bears.

Spectacled Bear: The spectacled bear is small and dark, ranging in colour from black to brown, and a few have a reddish tinge. It has distinctive circular or semicircular creamy white markings on the face around the eyes, reminiscent of spectacles.

Stephen Fry: Large, unwieldy and with a distinctive bent nose and characteristic rumbling tones. Wide-buttocked from hours of sitting at writing desks and on barstools.

It has been a personal mission of Stephen Fry’s to draw the world’s attention to this endangered species. A BBC television programme of Fry’s Peru trip was broadcast on New Year’s Day 2002, and a follow-up programme was made when he went back to Peru and helped to rescue a mate for the first young bear. This is his diary of the experience. It is packed with beautiful colour pictures of Stephen, bears and Peru and it is, of course, wildly funny. Stephen Fry is set to become the Diane Fossey of the bear world.

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